Peter Spurway, Vice President, Airport Experience, Halifax International Airport Authority, Canada

Speaker Biograghy: Peter oversees the passenger and visitor experience at Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Halifax Stanfield has a well-earned global reputation for superior service, and has been ranked by its passengers as one of the Best Airports in the World in its class by both Skytrax and Airport Service Quality (ASQ). Halifax Stanfield has earned and maintained an ASQ Assured certification since 2010. Peter recently led the highly successful creation and implementation of The Stanfield Way, an airport service culture programme that brings the diverse array of airport workers together and has revitalised the airport’s commitment to high-quality care for passengers and visitors. The programme has been seamlessly integrated into the airport’s recognition and volunteer host programmes.

Day 1 - 10 March
Customer Service & Passenger Experience

10:25 - 10:50 - Managing airport stress the Stanfield way
Synopsis: Airports are emotional places. In recognition of this fact, Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Canada created a new airport programme, The Stanfield Way. It brings together a wide variety of airport organisations, uniting them around an airport culture that serves Halifax Stanfield’s passengers and visitors better, and creates opportunities for happier employees and higher revenues. The Stanfield Way responds to the fact that as the use of technology increases at airports, the number of human interactions decreases. This raises the value of each and every remaining human contact point.

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