Paolo Bianchi, Head of Asset Development, Bologna Airport, Italy

Speaker Biograghy: Paolo is an airport development expert with extensive international experience. He has over 10 years' experience in worldwide airport development with 70+ airport projects in over 20 countries, dealing with a vast range of airport sizes, from small regional and city airports to large international hubs. He has developed over 20 airport masterplans ranging from two million passengers per year up to 180 million, and over 35 passenger terminals from small extensions to mega hubs. Today he is in charge of asset development at Bologna Airport. Paolo is interested in contemporary geopolitics and globalisation.

Day 2 - 21 March
Airport Design, Planning & Development

15:00 - 15:30 - Airport development in line with corporate strategy
Synopsis: The presentation will explain how the corporate strategy is driving the infrastructure development at Bologna Airport, pushing radical changes in the masterplan and shaping the terminal expansion with clear objectives. The masterplan has been updated, abandoning the envisaged second terminal in favour of consolidated operations in the existing facility where additional capacity is found with incremental expansions. The terminal development will focus on phase 1 – the most strategic phase – because it includes the new departure lounge, which is the key revenue-generating component and the one with the biggest impact on the customer experience.

Audience will learn: