Patrick Magnotta, Assistant Manager, Airport Planning and Environment, US Federal Aviation Administration, USA

Speaker Biograghy: Patrick has been with the US-FAA’s Airport Planning and Environmental Division since 2008. Patrick previously managed the FAA’s airport sustainability planning, energy efficiency and air quality programmes. He also served on the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where he oversaw the status and progress of environmental impact assessments for projects funded through USA's 2008 Economic Stimulus.

Day 1 - 20 March
Energy, Environment & Sustainability

12:00 - 12:30 - The sustainable airport environment – noise and land use compatibility
Synopsis: Sustainability initiatives often focus on matters within the airport's control and within airport boundaries. This presentation will summarise efforts taken in the USA to integrate noise and land use compatibility into airport sustainability. These are challenging efforts in many countries because airport authorities do not always have control over surrounding land uses. The objective of this presentation is to present one nation's initiatives in a manner that fosters dialogue on what is a significant issue for airports around the world.

Audience will learn: