Advertiser Guidelines

Magazine Websites

Supplying Creative

If designing banners on a solid white background, advertising units must have a 1 pixel border. This prevents the banner from merging into the website’s own background.
Banner ads should not attempt to mimic search functionality, form fields or computer system alerts.
Any audio initiation is ‘on click’ only.
All creative is subject to approval by UKi Media & Events.

Banner Unit:8:1

Position: Site Header | Dimensions: 600 x 75 pixels (width by height)

Technical Requirements
You MUST supply a 600px X 75px standard banner AND a Retina device-friendly 1200px X 150px banner (double size)
(The Retina banner will improve the sharpness of the banner on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad and MacBook)
Maximum file size: 60kbs standard, 120kbs Retina (smaller files load faster, which is better for website readers)
Allowed formats: Animated GIF, Static JPEG or HTML5 tags via a third-party vendor only (for example, DoubleClick Studio)

Banner Unit:10:1

Position: Beneath Header Menu | Display Dimensions: 900 x 90 pixels (width by height)

Technical Requirements
You MUST supply a 900px X 90px standard banner AND a Retina device-friendly 1800px X 180px banner (double size)
(The Retina banner will improve the sharpness of the banner on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad and MacBook)
Please ALSO supply a back-up 300px X 300px standard banner AND a Retina device-friendly 600px X 600px banner
(This back-up file will be displayed instead on small-screen mobile devices)
Maximum file size: 90kbs standard, 180kbs Retina (smaller files load faster, which is better for website readers)
Allowed formats: Animated GIF, Static JPEG or HTML5 tags via a third-party vendor only (for example, DoubleClick Studio)

Banner Unit:1:1

Position: Right Column | Display Dimensions: 300 x 300 pixels (width by height)

Technical Requirements
You MUST supply a 300px X 300px standard banner AND a Retina device-friendly 600px X 600px banner (double size)
(The Retina banner will improve the sharpness of the banner on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad and MacBook)
Maximum file size: 90kbs standard, 180kbs Retina (smaller files load faster, which is better for website readers)
Allowed formats: Animated GIF, Static JPEG or HTML5 tags via a third-party vendor only (for example, DoubleClick Studio)

Banner Unit:2:1 (formerly known as a junior banner)

Position: Right Column | Display Dimensions: 300 x 150 pixels (width by height)

Technical Requirements
You MUST supply a 300px X 150px standard banner AND a Retina device-friendly 600px X 300px banner (double size)
(The Retina banner will improve the sharpness of the banner on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad and MacBook)
Maximum file size: 50kbs standard, 100kbs Retina (smaller files load faster, which is better for website readers)
Allowed formats: Animated GIF, Static JPEG or HTML5 tags via a third-party vendor only (for example, DoubleClick Studio)

Weekly email newsletter banner

Dimensions - 640 pixels width x 120 pixels height
File size - no more than 50KB
File can be a static (not animated) gif, or jpg
Please also provide a URL link for advert to link to
Newsletter Banner Submission

Online Directory listing

Company name
200-300 word company profile
Images to appear with the text - supplied at any size as we can configure to fit
Company logo - any size as we can configure to fit
Company address
Company contact email
Company telephone number
Company website


UKi Media & Events Ltd.
Abinger House Parsonage House
Parsonage Square

Telephone: +44 (0) 1306 743744
Fax: +44 (0) 1306 742525